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01 Jan


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Pigalle Duperré, by Ill-Studio, The Game of Thrones Photoshoot For Time Magazine Will Blow Your Mind — Sometimes photographers shooting for big publications go far for wild creative concepts. This was what happens in Game of Thrones photo shoot for one of the most iconic magazines worldwide.

After the final episode of the last season of Game of Thrones comes to an epic end, thousands upon thousands of fans around the world have gone into a sort of post-series depression. That’s because, after another intense season (with only 7 episodes), the #GoT producers have informed to the public that the new season will come out to the comfort of our living rooms in the middle of 2019. And by then… it will be a long, long, very long Winter. Right?! Although we have to wait a few months to get our favorite characters back into our daily lives, Daily Design News is always on the lookout for news about the Game of Thrones super stars, just to share with you. And the pictures below will totally blow your mind. The photo shoot before you is typical of British photographer Miles Aldridge‘s work, famous exactly for this kind of portraits with oversaturated colors, hard lighting, surreal settings, and motifs, all of which are on display in these photos.

But less talk and more action, right?! So, check out the mesmerizing TIME’s Game of Thrones Cover Shoot!

Photo-composite by Miles Aldridge for TIME


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At PartySeason we make fun, affordable and adorable digital clipart, printables and papers for personal and commercial use. Designing and creating is our passion and we are so happy that we can do what we love everyday!